Streaming Music - Flow of Royalties

How does the money flow after a listener presses the play button on a music streaming service? This calculator provides a structure to input a number of monthly streams and calculate the breakdown of earnings based on the 3 types of royalties, popularity of various digital service providers, and each of their payout rates per stream. How much an artist earns depends on their role as performer, songwriter, and their relationship to the publisher and label.

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Parameters 23

  • Streams
  • 2. Stream Value Split › Mechanical Royalty
  • Share of Streams › 2) Apple Music
  • 1. Payment per Stream › 2) Apple Music
  • Share of Streams › 3) Amazon Music
  • 1. Payment per Stream › 3) Amazon Music
  • Share of Streams › 1) Spotify
  • 1. Payment per Stream › 1) Spotify
  • Share of Streams › 4) YouTube Music
  • 1. Payment per Stream › 4) YouTube Music
  • Share of Streams › 5) Pandora
  • 1. Payment per Stream › 5) Pandora
  • Share of Streams › 6) Other
  • 1. Payment per Stream › 6) Other
  • 5. Mechanical Royalty › Songwriters
  • 5. Mechanical Royalty › Publishers
  • 2. Stream Value Split › Performance Royalty
  • 4. Performance Royalty › PRO
  • 4. Performance Royalty › Songwriters
  • 4. Performance Royalty › Publishers
  • 2. Stream Value Split › Recorded Music Royalty
  • 3. Recorded Music Royalty › Label
  • 3. Recorded Music Royalty › Artist

Charts 4

  • Other Royalties (Monthly)
  • Streams (Split)
  • Revenue Share
  • Recorded Music Royalty (Monthly)

Metrics 26

  • Streams
  • Apple Music
  • Amazon Music
  • Spotify
  • YouTube Music
  • Pandora
  • Total Stream Value
  • Mechanical Royalty
  • Apple Earnings
  • Amazon Earnings
  • Spotify Earnings
  • YouTube Earnings
  • Pandora Earnings
  • Other
  • Other Earnings
  • Songwriters - MR
  • Publishers - MR
  • Performance Royalty
  • Publishers - PR
  • Songwriters - PR
  • PRO's - PR
  • Recorded Music Royalty
  • Label - RM
  • Artist - RM
  • Songwriters Total
  • Publishers Total