Sales calculators

Flexible, responsive pre-made lead magnets ready to use, embed, and share
SaaS Plateau Forecast Embeddable Customizable

Based on a standard set of SaaS performance metrics, when will growth slow, and at what MRR? This calculator forecasts when a recurring revenue business will reach a revenue plateau.

Input 1. New Trials 2. Conversion Rate and 3 others Output Churned Revenue New Customers and 4 others Charts Revenue
Leads Needed Calculator Embeddable Customizable

You have an MRR goal for the year, but how will you hit it? This simple calculator uses MRR growth and sales velocity assumptions to determine how many leads it will take to reach your sales targets.

Input 2. Annual MRR Growth Target 3. Average ACV and 2 others Output Conversion Rate Leads Needed and 8 others Charts Targets Performance Metrics
SaaS Cashflow Breakeven Calculator Embeddable Customizable

A calculator designed for sales leaders to determine how many new opportunities are needed each month in order to get to cashflow breakeven, which is when deposits from new sales income exceed monthly expenses. Takes into account different contract values for average annual and monthly deals, NET payment terms on annual deals, ratio of deals that close annual vs. monthly, and sales team deal capacity. Also includes option to modify your monthly budget (up or down) in the future.

Input 5. Annual Deals › Average Contract Value 4. Sales Ops › Sales Team Capacity and 11 others Output Baseline Burn Rate Accounts Receivable and 21 others Charts Balance Sheet Bookings & Burn Rate
MRR Growth Forecast Embeddable Customizable

A simple engine to calculate the growth of MRR over time for a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business. Uses a month-over-month growth assumption. Compare your funnel-based forecast against linear and compounding growth trendlines.

Input 3. Leads Growth Rate Trends › Compounding MRR Growth and 6 others Output MRR Forecast First Month Compound Growth and 6 others Charts Forecast vs. Trends Forecasted MRR
SaaS Goal Setting Embeddable Customizable

What difference would it make to steadily improved one or more of the key metrics of a SaaS business? Which metric should a SaaS leader focus on next? Which one would yield the greatest return with the least amount of effort? This calculator aims to answer these questions by allowing you to compare a baseline versus improvements to key SaaS metrics.

Input B. Target › 1. Traffic A. Baseline › 6. Churn Rate and 14 others Output Churn Rate New Customers and 18 others Charts KPI's Revenue and 2 others