Corporate finance calculators

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Startup Runway Calculator Embeddable Customizable

Deliver a simple but powerful startup runway calculator requiring just a handful of inputs while still offering enough detail to satisfy early investors and founders.

Input 2. Monthly Expenses › Payroll Growth Rate 4. Expense Reductions › Non-Payroll Expenses and 14 others Output Reduction in Payroll Non-Payroll and 20 others Charts Runway Revenue & Expenses
Exit Waterfall Calculator Embeddable Customizable

Based on an exit valuation and up to five rounds of funding, each with ownership stakes and liquidation preferences, calculate the amount each share class will receive in consideration from the exit.

Input Series 1 › Ownership Stake Series 2 › Ownership Stake and 14 others Output Class B LP Series 2 Return and 29 others Charts Series 2 Investors Series 3 Investors and 4 others
Stripe Capital Loan Calculator Embeddable Customizable

Instantly calculate the cost of capital in terms of annual percentage rate (APR) of a loan offer from Stripe Capital based on monthly sales income and growth rate.

Input Repayment Rate Total Amount Owed and 5 others Output Trigger Calc APR and 14 others Charts Lending Timeline Loan Summary
Business Acquisition Payback Embeddable Customizable

Help users understand the costs and payback of acquiring a business. Enter growth assumptions and time horizons to simulate cumulative profit against new investments in growth. Also supports financing part of the transaction with monthly debt payments.

Input 2. Revenue Growth › Investment - Monthly 4. Listing Details › Annual Growth Rate and 11 others Output Gross Revenue - Baseline Annual Growth Rate and 22 others Charts Payback Financials and 2 others
Affiliate Program Impact Assessment Embeddable Customizable

What are the key assumptions behind joining an affiliate program for a recurring revenue business, and what impact would becoming an affiliate have on revenue? This forecasting tool combines qualification, conversion, and retention rates with sales cycle timings to produce an impact assessment for joining an affiliate program.

Input You › Customers You › New Customers Per Month and 8 others Output New Program MRR Program Impact and 16 others Charts MRR vs. Affiliate MRR Impact Summary
Revenue-Based Financing Calculator Embeddable Customizable

This form of non-dilutive capital enables a business to borrow money in exchange for a specific share of monthly income. How much money will be paid back each month based on a revenue share of a business? And what is the effective cost of capital?

Input Metrics › MRR Growth Rate Terms › Total Payback and 5 others Output Remaining Payback Months and 9 others Charts Revenue & Payments Capital Costs
Profitable SaaS Dividend Payout Calculator Embeddable Customizable

This calculator shows how much can be earned through dividends paid out by a profitable indie business, based on adjustable investment parameters.

Input Advanced › Growth Deceleration Investment Amount and 5 others Output Return on Investment Preference and 14 others Charts Forecasted Revenue Summary
SaaS Valuation Calculator Embeddable Customizable

Using a common methodology of ARR growth rate, benchmark revenue multiple, and net retention, calculate a valuation for a private SaaS company.

Input 3. Net Revenue Retention › 1. Annualized 3. Net Revenue Retention › 2. Change Rate and 9 others Output Valuation Multiple ARR Growth Rate (Whole) and 13 others Charts Valuation Predictions Summary (Start) and 2 others
Recurring Contract Trade Analysis Embeddable Customizable

When monthly recurring revenue is traded for upfront payments, how does that impact cashflow for a business? This calculator models this swap taking inputs from popular trading platforms like Pipe.

Input 2. Cashflow › 6) Billings Growth Rate 1. Trade Summary › Bid Per Dollar and 9 others Output Payment Amount Cash from Trade and 15 others Charts Cashflow Trade Summary
Business Cashflow Forecast Embeddable Customizable

A simple forecast of sales income versus expenses to see how and when a business will need to raise, borrow, or earn more cash.

Input 1. Income › Growth Rate Cash Balance and 7 others Output Fundraising Cash In Income Growth and 10 others Charts Runway Revenue & Expenses